30 September 2010

I Am Not Ashamed

Well, this marks the first time I have ever blogged on the World Wide Web. Ashley said she made this for us to get on here and talk about whatever was on our minds. I doubt I'll have any cool pictures or videos, but maybe every now and then I'll have something to say that's worth reading. Here goes...

The past few weeks I've read a couple books and I've watched numerous videos in my spare time (or work time, whatever). The two books were written by Francis Chan and David Platt and the majority of the videos were sermons of these two guys. They have given me a fresh perspective on things. Who God is. Who Jesus is. Who I am in relation to my Lord. What is my role in His story? I've been doing a lot of praying about these things and what it comes down to is this... Jesus calls all believers to spread the Gospel. Unfortunately, this is probably what I'm worst at in my walk with Jesus Christ.

Now, I'm not the most talkative individual in the world. Ashley is a wonderful balance for me. She's the friendliest person I know and I'm pretty sure if she's ever seen you, she's introduced herself to you. I could very comfortably sit in a room with you for 12 hours and not say a word. My point is, when I do have conversations with people they tend to be more surface level conversations. Nice and safe. Why is this? My greatest joy in the world is the relationship I have with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Why would I want to compartmentalize that relationship? Is it because I'm afraid of what people would say? How they would react? What they would think of me? I read a verse like Luke 21:17, "You will be hated by all for my name's sake," and I say I'm OK with that. But am I really? My inaction says that I'm not. My fear of "crossing that line" with family, friends, co-workers, or perfect strangers prevents me from truly saying OK to this verse. I'm basically saying that what people think of me is more important than the One who created me. This needs to change.

So for the past few weeks I've been reading and watching and the verse that has come up more often than not is Mark 16:12, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." I don't want to fear what others think because the bigger fear is that family, friends, co-workers, or perfect strangers might live a life, and subsequent death without knowing who Jesus Christ is...and I could have done something about it.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." -Romans 1:16.


29 September 2010

"I'm Here To Stir Things up a Bit"

Let me set the tone by saying the lightheartedness of my last two posts will be reserved for another day. This is a personal post that will at the very least make some of you uncomfortable. That's fine with me actually. That means I'm making you think. I'm making you feel. I'm helping you to become more "open minded" about what is reality.

I'm posting this because I know what it feels like to take advantage of "Women's Rights". I know what it means to make the decision to have an abortion and to go through with it. I know what it feels like to live with that decision. I also know what it feels like to be loved exactly for who I am because I have a Savior named Jesus Christ.

Try to relax and make yourself feel at home in the awkwardness and bluntness of this unpopular subject. It's good for you. Soak it up. Take time to become more "open minded" about a topic that's rooted in selfishness.


25 September 2010

Your Tire's All Flat and Junk

I love this commercial.  I also love that my friend said I remind him of the pothole.  Hahaha.

~ Ash

Bienvenido a Bloggo

Hey guys!  Jonathan and I have decided to start a blog together.  This blog will pretty much be about anything that comes across our minds,so be ready for some random reading.  I still have my CrossFit blog, so there will NOT be any CrossFit talk on here from moi!  As much as I love me some CrossFit, there is much more to my life than how/where I workout.  (I actually have a life outside of the gym!  *GASP!*)  However, since this is Jonathan's only blog he may share some CrossFit related posts from time to time.  Jonathan's also taking pre-reqs for Pharmacy school which means he's up to his cranium in Science.   (Right now he's really annoyed at his online quiz and keeps mumbling something over and over about "HC".)  Don't be surprised if you come across a few Organic Chemistry hate-posts in the next couple of weeks.

Hope you enjoy our blog!

 Rogue Sunflower Denton

P.S. She was actually named after Rogue from X-Men and not the bumpers in our gym.  (That's more of that "life outside of the gym" thing I mentioned earlier.)

P.S again...  Please follow us and/or subscribe to us!  :)  

~ Ash