04 November 2010

Gratitude List 46-70

My gratitude list tonight is about my husband.

Jonathan and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary on November 1st.  I couldn't imagine living my life with any other man.  Jonathan is my best friend.  He is exactly who I prayed for my whole life.  Our first couple of years in North Carolina were probably our toughest as a married couple; we moved here without jobs, we struggled with our finances, we left behind all of our family and friends in Oklahoma and Texas, and we decided to try and start a family, but found out that we might not ever be able to get pregnant.  I'm not going to lie, it was tough, but the Lord got us through those things.  We're now a million times closer than we've ever been before and I thank the Lord every single day for allowing me to be married to such a wonderful man.

My list...

46.  I'm thankful my husband loves the Lord and constantly strives to be more like Him.
47.  I love his calm personality.  It blends well with my craziness.
48.  I love his family.
49.  He thinks I'm funny and gets my odd sense of humor better than anyone else I know.
50.  We have so much in common and even after 7 years we are able to talk for hours and hours.
51.  He has a passion for serving the Lord and people.
52.  He's a numbers guy which is super because I suck at math, dates, adding up weight at the gym, remembering our checking account number, etc, etc, etc.
53.  He is honestly the sweetest and kindest guy I know.
54.  He smiles a lot.
55.  He'll play catch with me.
56.  He listens to me in my classes at CrossFit.
57.  He gives good advice and keeps me level headed.
58.  I love that he always sounds happy to talk to me on the phone.
59.  He loves animals like I do.
60.  He went to watch The Notebook with me when it came out years ago.
61.  He loves SciFi and action movies and I do too.
62.  Jonathan has a big heart for those in prison.
63.  Little girls LOVE Jonathan.  They could care less about me. 
64.  He never gets upset when I drastically change my hair.
65.  He always tells me he loves me.
66.  He is good about giving me compliments.
67.  He is an excellent provider for me and our furry, four legged daughter.
68.  He always supports me.
69.  The boy has mad brain skills.
70.  He loves me. 

The Wedding
November 1, 2003

I also wanted to post one of my new favorite videos.  I have probably watched this at least 43 times.

Later friends!
