29 September 2010

"I'm Here To Stir Things up a Bit"

Let me set the tone by saying the lightheartedness of my last two posts will be reserved for another day. This is a personal post that will at the very least make some of you uncomfortable. That's fine with me actually. That means I'm making you think. I'm making you feel. I'm helping you to become more "open minded" about what is reality.

I'm posting this because I know what it feels like to take advantage of "Women's Rights". I know what it means to make the decision to have an abortion and to go through with it. I know what it feels like to live with that decision. I also know what it feels like to be loved exactly for who I am because I have a Savior named Jesus Christ.

Try to relax and make yourself feel at home in the awkwardness and bluntness of this unpopular subject. It's good for you. Soak it up. Take time to become more "open minded" about a topic that's rooted in selfishness.


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