07 October 2010

Gratitude List 21-35

My personal challenge to come up with a gratitude list of 1000 things continues.  Tonight I'm going to name a few of the ways I'm thankful for my parents.

21. They didn't change my name to Roseanna no matter how many times I begged them to do so when I was 5 years old.
22. My mom taught me the importance of being friendly.
23. My dad taught me the importance of standing up for what I believe in no matter how unpopular my point of view.
24. They are always willing to help me if/when I need help.
25. They love Jesus.
26. I knew what a good marriage should look like way before I ever thought about being married because of their love for each other.  (They recently celebrated 35 years together on Sept. 11!)
27. My mom taught me to protect the ones you love before you protect yourself.
28. My dad taught me the right way to make a fist and how to throw a punch before I got into my first fist fight.
29. Both of my parents instilled in me the importance of being confident.
30. They taught me that it's okay to have less than stellar moments.
31. They didn't care that I was a huge tomboy when I was little girl.
32.  They went to every_single_one of my basketball games and track meets.  They also went to all of the football games (home and away) just to watch my sister and me cheer.  They drove all the way to my state track meets which were 4 hours away in OKC just to watch me run 2 hurdle races and nothing else.
33. My love of animals comes from both of them.
34. My awareness of other people's reactions and their sensitivity to situations comes from my mom.
35. They love me regardless of my mistakes, my attitude, my stubborn moods, and horribly grumpy days.

 Dad and Mom ~ Summer 2010

~ Ash


  1. Your parents are beautiful inside and out. How blessed you are that God loved you enough to hand pick your parents. I have a niece that thinks she is above her family and when we don't walk on water or part the Red Sea she's offended and snubs us. I finally had enough one day and told her that God is the one that chooses who our family will be, He and He alone knits us together into a beautiful family and we are each one perfect for Gods purpose and when she complained, she was telling God that He had made a mistake and she was rejecting Gods gift to her.... I wish she could read your beautiful words of thankfulness for your parents Ashley.....maybe she could see how blessed she really is.... I love and enjoy reading your blog especially you counting your blessing ie. the color orange..... smiling real big here.... you are so much your mom AND dad split down the middle, equal....

  2. Thanks Ashley...I also taught you the importance of cheering...you were only three and Jamie was only two....but you knew how to make your arms stiff.LOL! Of course, I was still young and probably thought it was something really important. I adore my family! I am thankful beyond words to have been chosen by God to have been your Daddy's wife and you and Jamie's mom. Thank you Lord!
